march intentions

it’s march! and most importantly [to me, and me only] it’s my birthday month! anyone else do that? celebrate the whole month? just me? ok … anyways, wanted to set some intentions for march! I really only have a few big ones, but they’re just that- BIG. here goes!

cut out the added sugar/eat to support my health

getting some ideas from kelly leveque’s body love everyday

i can tell i’ve been getting a little too lax with what i’ve been eating lately, and it’s manifesting itself in brain fog, lethargy, and overall mood. i can tell i just FEEL better when i tighten up what i’m eating, and that’s what i want to do the month of march. we are heading on vacation at the end of the month, and i always feel much better when i head on vacation in a healthy spot. here’s how i’m going to do it:

  1. get back to my #fab4smoothies. i always feel better when i’m flooding my body with nutrients, and a #fab4smoothie is a super efficient way to do that. quick refresher: the fab 4 smoothie protein prioritizes protein, fat, fiber, and greens. i’m on my second week of daily harvest and have been adding protein to them, sometimes fiber, to make them even more nutrient dense. it’s so convenient, and so far, I love it! my favorite? the chai. SO GOOD. if you want $25 off of your first box, you can click here!
  2. get outside for my workouts. it’s starting to get nice in minnesota (think forty degrees) and walking outside is so good, not just from a ‘change up the routine’ perspective, but from a circadian rhythm perspective. i’ve been reading/listening more and more about how being outside, even for the slightest amount of time, is so good for you.

launch shop golden thirty

cheeky, custom, and curated.

ok, this one i’m SO excited for!! i teased it on instagram the other day, but i’ll be launching a little shop here soon! think cheeky, custom, and curated. it’s going to feature one-of-a-kind jewelry, cheeky apparel, and pieces that can me customized with whatever is sentimental to you – a loved one’s handwriting, your child’s artwork, etc. whatever it is, the goal is to elevate your everyday. drop your email below if you want exclusive first access!

thanks for all the sweet words about the shop. i’m super excited to see what you guys think!

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